Time on the water is an anglers most valuable tool! Unfortunately, most of us won't ever get enough time to figure out patterns for every species, season, and water body type. Let's not even consider if the water body changes through the years. If you haven't been in a situation enough you can't recognize a pattern, and the same if you don't find any success in that situation! It can be extremely difficult to know how to catch fish in these situations.
Reading about different fishing patterns online can help but what if they don't apply to where you are fishing? What if the conditions are rapidly changing & the bite suddenly shuts off? What if you're fishing somewhere brand new and have no starting points? These scenarios are typically where most anglers become defeated and end up with a skunk. Learning how to catch fish in every scenario doesn't have to be complicated though.
We've been there more time than we can count, but it drove us nuts & made us re-evaluate everything! So, we developed a system for understanding how and why fish behave the way they do & how environmental triggers can impact their behaviour to make decisions that put us in the highest potential areas for active feeding fish no matter when, where, or what we fish for!
Our downloadable courses allow you to sit back, watch, listen & learn WHEN, WHERE and HOW it works for you! Learn how to catch fish no matter the conditions when you fish anywhere it works for you.
By purchasing any of our courses you will receive a video file that's yours to re-watch unlimited times, put on multiple devices, or share with friends it's completely up to you! Be sure to take advantage of our FREE course downloads to be confident in the quality of the content you will get. These courses are the best way for beginners to learn how to catch fish!
Our framework focuses on the why's and how's of fish behaviour to help anglers make the best decisions and catch more big fish every time they're on the water! No gimmicks, random patterns to remember, or secret baits. The New Wave Fishing Approach uses fish biology against them and optimizes your time on the water so you can put more fish in the boat with a logical and simple framework. Learn how to catch fish fast!
We get it. Why should you trust us & spend your money when there is a ton of free content online? Our answer is simple; we aren't going to tell you what to do based on what HAS worked. Our framework teaches you & makes it easy to predict what will work under any scenario you may encounter on the water.
Need more convincing that we can teach you how to catch fish?
Check out our YouTube Channel to see just how well our methods work
To catch the New Wave & put more fish in the boat the next time you hit the water click the link below to see what courses we have that will benefit you!
To experience a day of fishing on the water with us be sure to check out our YouTube channel at the link below.
Check out the results of our fishing students and teachers to see what you can accomplish with New Wave Fishing Academy: https://www.newwavefishingacademy.com/best-fishing-ontario
Have you ever wondered why lures don't come with instructions and wanted to know how to fish them? Look no further than our "How To Fish" series where you will learn what each bait is, how to use it, when and where it excels over other baits, our preferred setup to use it on, and the common mistakes anglers make when using it. www.newwavefishingacademy.com/how-to-fish