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fishing lures

Fishing Lures Selection & Performance Modifications

Fishing Lures Selection & Performance Modifications


What bass fishing lures are best? Pike fishing lures? Walleye fishing lures? Fishing lures for trout? 


With the crazy amount of fishing lures on the market today picking which one to use can be a daunting task! There is pressure from friends, manufacturers, and shows promising the big fish with their new bait but where they are getting results may not be the same as where you fish. 


We consider lures to be tools and nothing more! Each tool has a job it is meant for or where it excels over others. Sure there are some more versatile tools that can be used in many situations but there are others that are specially designed to give you the best results in those same conditions. 


In this course you will learn the different types of fishing lures on the market, what their features, benefits, and limitatations are, how to assess common fishing locations and conditions, and how to pull it all together to know what the best fishing lures to use for the situation you are in!

    Excluding GST/HST
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