When New Wave Fishing Academy was started it was based around the mission of helping everyone become more successful anglers and especially those who do not have the family, friends, or easily accessible opportunities to push them into the sport. From our short time in operation trying to accomplish this mission there has been a very clear population that has a hard time breaking into the industry. From critics online challenging their skills as anglers to talking down or belittling their accomplishments there are a lot of unnecessary hurdles for women and young girls to get into fishing. While we know that these hurdles are not set up by those that represent the majority of the members in the industry they unfortunately are often the loudest voice. To combat this we started the "Women In Angling" blog series last year to highlight some of the best female ambassadors for the sport of fishing and share their stories for those that just need a little push or some role models to look towards to get into this sport we all love!

This weeks feature is Sydney Boroskae! We came across Syd on instagram @syd.adventures where she shares her passion for fishing and exploring the outdoors across remote areas of Ontario & Manitoba. Syd is a role model for all to get out and do what you want to do just because you want to. Thats the only reason you need, life is meant to be enjoyed. Check out her story below:
My first fishing memory like many others is casting spoon lures and catching stinky, slimy pikes! I remember decorating my tacklebox with Blue's Clues stickers and obsessively organizing it. One summer my brother, cousin and I worked at a liquidation store my aunt managed. There would be piles of lures we'd get to dig through and we would get so excited when we'd find one we liked, keep it and add to our collection.

Fast forward my parents sold our family cabin and my summers were spent down south traveling the United States following Wissota dirt track racing. It wasn’t until a few years later my passion for the outdoors was ignited, all thanks to dad. Fishing from shore, I’d learn about different species such as drum, smallmouth bass and even sturgeons! Dad and I would frequently hike Whiteshell Rivers Bridge Trail with fishing rods packed and fish all morning till mid-afternoon and then hike back out grabbing ice cream on the way home. Since the winter months make up most of the year in Manitoba and this meant transitioning to Ice fishing! The ice roads still amaze me. Better yet for my 22nd birthday my boyfriend and I camped on the ice at Lake of the Woods.
A whole lot of fishing later brings me to now. I've begun sharing my journey online, I believe it is crucial to get outdoors, ground ourselves to the earth, learn and experience the magic that is and maybe catch a few fish along the way! I am immensely grateful for the people I have met and the incredible experiences that have followed. Join me along this journey of mindfulness, chasing big fish and delicious food @syd.adventures on Instagram. Thank you, New Wave Fishing Academy, for inviting me to share my story.
We would like to thank Syd for sharing her story with us all. Be sure to connect with her on instagram to stay up to date on her adventures & experiences!
For more female fishing ambassadors, role models, and Women In Angling features click the link below:
If you know somebody who is a great ambassador for Women In Angling (Or the outdoors) that deserves to be recognized and would be willing to create a post please reach out to us on any of our social media platforms so we can get in touch with them.
To experience a day of fishing on the water with us be sure to check out our YouTube channel at the link below:
If you or someone you know is looking to get into fishing or you just want to become a more successful angler be sure to check out our "Zero To Hero Fishing Masterclass" for courses on everything fishing! The masterclass is built to help you learn how to find and catch fish like the pro's by providing all the information you need and a clear development path! Don't miss out check it out now at www.newwavefishingacademy.com/zero-to-hero
Have you ever wondered why lures don't come with instructions and wanted to know how to fish them? Look no further than our "How To Fish" series where you will learn what each bait is, how to use it, when and where it excels over other baits, our preferred setup to use it on, and the common mistakes anglers make when using it. www.newwavefishingacademy.com/how-to-fish